The Blog

All the random stuff that comes to my mind, through my ears, or in front of my lens.
Patch Of Shades #6 for sale

Patch Of Shades #6 for sale

From my small private collection I am selling the holy grail of effects units, not just for the Chapman Stick, a Patch Of Shades with serial number #6. There were two production runs, one in 1981 and the other in 1989, and in total only about 100 units were produced,...

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Not Music – another track added to Bandcamp

Not Music – another track added to Bandcamp

Did I ever try to make some music that is more music? This is as unexperimental as I can get. This is as much as I can lean out of my intuitive-music-focused mind before I start to fall into commercial jazz-pop cliches. It was fun to make this, but will I ever do...

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New album “MOD NIGHTS” released today!

New album “MOD NIGHTS” released today!

What do you do when you are up at night and can't sleep? I started to experiment with my modular synthesizer and recorded the results. This is a selection of pinged filters, polyrhythmic sequences, strange sounds and moods - but I always tried to work out the music of...

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FREE TIME with Markus Stockhausen

On 22 May 2020, in the middle of the Corona period, we spontaneously shot a video in Markus' barn. This time demands inner confrontation with oneself and others. We wanted to set an artistic sign for freedom, self-expression and creativity. The special thing about...

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New Release THE LAB “Balanced” with Lukas Keller on bass

New Release THE LAB “Balanced” with Lukas Keller on bass

Another THE LAB release - this time it's a piano trio on steroids. From the liner notes: For "Balanced", drummer Sven Kosakowski and pianist Marc Mennigmann invited bass player Lukas Keller to THE LAB in Dortmund. The recording was started and they began to let music...

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THE LAB „Welcome“ – another new album released today

THE LAB „Welcome“ – another new album released today

“Welcome” is THE LAB's fourth album dedicated to intuitive music. It documents the first time that the musicians involved played together in this constellation. They met at THE LAB in Dortmund, the recording was started and they started to create music without any...

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THE LAB „What We Need“ – new album released today!

THE LAB „What We Need“ – new album released today!

New music for your lovely people! It’s release day today and I am happy to announce the latest album of THE LAB, called „What We Need“ is available now. This seven-track album with 61 minutes playtime started as an experimental trio recording of Karlo Wenzel on...

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Insight THE LAB – Documentary by Sven Kosakowski

A few month ago we had a creative day at THE LAB which my dear friend Sven also used to film some short impressions. Now he came up with this beautiful documentary. Camera, editing, cutting and production of this movie by Sven Kosakowski. Music by Sven Kosakowski &...

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“Earth Healing” released for free today!

“Earth Healing” released for free today!

New release today! My wife created „Earth Healing“ as a guided meditation to connect with Gaia, our Mother Earth. In our every day lives we tend to forget what our real nature is and that we all are the children of this beautiful planet we call the Earth. Although we...

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“As Above So Below – No Piano Music” released today!

“As Above So Below – No Piano Music” released today!

90% of the things you will hear on this album is a grand piano. But it is not piano music. The piano was played using several playing techniques, mostly without using the keys. The sounds were sampled and then played using algorithmic, generative computer programs...

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Erstaunlich, welches Herdenverhalten und Schubladendenken sich mittlerweile in Deutschland manifestiert hat. Jeder, der derzeit versucht, sich ein eigenes Bild zu machen, der andere Meinungen hinterfragt, der vielleicht sogar Zusammenhänge herstellt die andere jetzt...

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Hello & Goodbye

Hello & Goodbye

Last week my friend Markus Hücking died unexpectedly. I met Markus a few months ago for the first time in 30 years. We spent an afternoon with vibraphone-player Thomas Klecha-Faure and bassist Ralf Wißdorf at THE LAB full of intuitive music and fun and joy of life. In...

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