The Blog

All the random stuff that comes to my mind, through my ears, or in front of my lens.
The NOTOPIA Remix Contest

The NOTOPIA Remix Contest

We are happy to announce the NOTPIA "Celebrate" Remix Contest! On our BandCamp site you will find a free download the raw isolated recordings of every instrument on the song "Celebrate" of our album "Celebrating Life". No EQ, no compressor was added. No effects or...

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NOTOPIA Video Release

NOTOPIA Video Release

During the sessions of the "Celebrating Life" album, we had Robert Vater joining us to film the process of creating something from nothing. Here is a video, that shows how something evolved from the void. The track was released as "Inspire" on the album. You can see...

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Fifty Shades Of White, a new NOTOPIA release

Fifty Shades Of White, a new NOTOPIA release

Today I released another NOTOPIA album. It's called "Fifty Shades Of White" and contains about half an hour of trio madness. From the album description: What would you get if you put a Chameleon, a particle collider and a cheese cake into a rehearsal room? Well, we...

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Rhythmic Harmony

Rhythmic Harmony

Okay, here is some food for thought. Maybe someone can help me and think it further: I thought about intervals and chords only to be very fast rhythm. Like a4 = 440Hz, the 5th = e5 = 660Hz and so on. This means, that if the rhythm of a4 is a quarter note, the rhythm...

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NOTOPIA “Celebrating Life” CD Release

NOTOPIA “Celebrating Life” CD Release

Dear friends, this is a wonderful moment, and I would love to share the story behind it: In June 2016 I had some studio time with my friends Sven Kosakowski and Peter Alexius. We recorded some free improvised music with crazy guitar god Mike Keneally and the bassist...

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NOTOPIA – A Week About Friendship And Music

NOTOPIA – A Week About Friendship And Music

So here we go! The next week will be about friendship and music. I have a two days studio session with my two NOTOPIA pals Peter Alexius on guitar and Sven Kosakowski on drums. Our very special guests will be our friends Mike Keneally on guitar and Jaan Wessman on...

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Mennigmann/Kosakowski: Duo Improvisation

Mennigmann/Kosakowski: Duo Improvisation

It's already more than half a year ago, but this session had something magic. Sven & me jumped on the creativity train and simply let things flow. This is an excerpt of what happened.

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NOTOPIA – A Project About Life

NOTOPIA – A Project About Life

Here is a small teaser to let you know what I will do later this year. NOTOPIA is a project to celebrate life. It is about friendship, about music, about doing the things you like to do, and about living your dreams. NOTOPIA is something I will do with my closest...

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My thoughts about The Grid

My thoughts about The Grid

There has been a lot of media coverage and advertising regarding The Grid, which claims to provide "Ai Websites That Design Themselves". The Grid was crowdfunding a lot of money with its promises, and they are currently in a beta period with slightly more than 14000...

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Fast ein Jahr ist vergangen…

Fast ein Jahr ist vergangen…

...seit dem letzten Eintrag in diesem Blog. Allerdings war ich vor allem fleissig dabei, mein HANDS Projekt zu bearbeiten. Die Resultate werde ich am 30. April 2016 im Rahmen einer Ausstellung präsentieren.

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Was ich die ganze Zeit so mache?

Was ich die ganze Zeit so mache?

Natürlich Hände fotografieren! Mittlerweile habe ich auch schon eine recht illustre Liste an Musikern zusammen: T.M. Stevens, TC Tolliver, David Rhodes, Julie Slick, Neil Zaza, Ronny Drayton, Keith Leblanc, Divinity Roxx, Stacey Lamont Sydnor, Omar Gusmao, Nils...

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Der Mennigmann auf Platte

Der Mennigmann auf Platte

Da fragen sich doch viele "was macht der eigentlich da für Musik, wenn der mit seinem komischen Instrument unterwegs ist?". Um diese Frage jetzt zweifelsfrei zu beantworten, gibt es ab sofort das Album "SAM - Another Life", an dessen Entstehung ich massgeblich...

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