The Blog

All the random stuff that comes to my mind, through my ears, or in front of my lens.
The Lab Single Prerelease “Trinity Track”

The Lab Single Prerelease “Trinity Track”

To shorten your wait for our next album release called "Tracks", here is a song in advance called "Trinity Track", featuring Axel Müller on saxophone, Shadi Al-Housh on percussion and Juan Dahmen on additional drums. Sven, Ana and Marc improvised the basics of this...

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The Lab needs your Help!

The Lab needs your Help!

Dear friends, we could use some help here.Sven and I have just launched our Patreon page of The Lab. We have a playground here for true creativity. Improvised music is the game. With every bar and note we play, we follow the universal...

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Prerelease Time!

Prerelease Time!

Prerelease time for my subscribers on BandCamp! I just released a song called „Backup“ from the next EP of the collective „Wrong“ by Juan Dahmen. I contributed the Moog bass and the piano parts. By the way,  my favourite line of the song is "If this is fucking...

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Moon, Heaven’s Backdoor – Music Video

Moon, Heaven’s Backdoor – Music Video This is the opener of THE LAB's debut album "Three Word Poems". You can find the whole album at All songs on this record are entirely improvised. There were no lead...

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Three Word Poems – Released Today!

Three Word Poems – Released Today!

I'm so happy to announce that we finally released the new album "Three Word Poems". Please jump over to BandCamp and have a listen. It's perfect for these busy days! Especially the last track called "Life, you know?" features a speech of philosopher Alan Watts. Ana...

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Three Word Poems – A Bandcamp Subscriber Release

Three Word Poems – A Bandcamp Subscriber Release

I just released another album for my lovely subscribers only, called "Three Word Poems". After months of planning & building our new studio “The Lab” in Dortmund, this was the first session Sven, and I recorded there with a guest. We invited bass player Ana Orias...

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11. Oktober 2018 – HANDS Vernissage, Warendorf, Germany

11. Oktober 2018 – HANDS Vernissage, Warendorf, Germany

Mit der Fotoserie „HANDS“ portraitiert Musikfotograf Marc Mennigmann Musiker auf eine ungewöhnliche Art und Weise. Er fotografiert ihre Hände, losgelöst vom Instrument, denn „die Hände sind der Körperteil des Musikers, der maßgeblich an der Formung des Tons, an der...

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Chakra Activation on Insight Timer

Chakra Activation on Insight Timer

The first track of my album "Chakra Activation For Musicians" is released for free on Insight Timer. If you use this platform for your meditation routine, please feel free to use it. You will find it at

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A new subscriber exclusive release on my BandCamp channel: Marc Mennigmann & Sven Kosakowski Explorations Here are the liner notes: "After almost half a year of sweat, blood, dust and garbage we finally finished the work on our new studio. We call it our lab, and it...

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Chakra Activation For Musicians Released

Chakra Activation For Musicians Released

I just released my new album „Chakra Activation For Musicians“. It is not what you would usually expect from me, because it is meant as a music you can use for meditation. I always have problems with the usual meditation music, because as a musician I am used to...

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Pre-Release: Chakra Activation For Musicians

Pre-Release: Chakra Activation For Musicians

As a musician I always have problems with the usual meditation music. The melodies are trivial, the synthesizer sounds mostly tasteless and a flute lurks at every corner. So I decided to create my own music. "Chakra Activation For Musicians" is the first release of my...

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